Monday, October 07, 2013

25 Years of Reaching Cape for Christ

Last night I attended the 25th anniversary of LaCroix UMC.  It was an incredibly inspiring worship service. The music was over the top excellent.  The prayers and rituals had such deep meaning.  The air of excitement over the past as well as the future of this ministry was contagious.  If you were there, I'm sure you understand.  If not, let me share a moving moment for me... actually, it was more like a moving movement in the service.

As we entered we were all given candles like the ones you use for a Christmas eve candle-lighting service.  At one point into the service the instructions were given by Pastor Ron Watts.  "If you either came to Christ for the first time or recommitted your life to Christ because of the ministries of LaCroix, please be the first to light your candle.  The rest, please hold off as the soloist will instruct you later in the song to light yours."  I watched the crowd in the darkened Show Me Center as the room brightened to the glow of about 1200 candles (I estimate that there was about 2500 there and at least half lit their candles.)  I have to tell you that at this point my eyes were misty with tears.  When people come to Christ I cry with joy.  I can't help it, it is moving to me.

A few moments later in the service Pastor Ron introduced a man for whom he has the greatest respect, Pastor Bill Hybles of Willow Creek Community Church.  As Ron tried to walk off the stage, Bill grabbed him and brought him back to the center of the stage.  Bill praised Ron for his work of meeting the community on behalf of Christ.  Ron, in his normal humble fashion, tried to get off stage as fast as he could, but Bill would have nothing of it.  There was no point in the design of the service where Ron was to get credit for his work, however, Bill wouldn't let it go.  He said that, as the candles were lit he looked over at Ron and said something to the effect of "Look what your work has done in these lives."  (I wish I could remember Hybles exact words.)  He said that at that point Ron was unable to respond due to the emotion of the moment.  I understand that because I was there with him.

There are a lot of tasks that a pastor fulfills in the course of their daily and weekly work.  For me, none is more fulfilling than to assist others in finding their way back to God.  Thanks to Ron for the inspiring was he has led our conference in doing just that.

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Dave is the Lead Pastor at...
New McKendree United Methodist Church
225 S. High St., Jackson, MO 63755
Saturday Worship 5:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am at High St. Campus 11:00 am at South Campus (1775 S. Hope St.)