Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lent Devotion: Fasting, Day Three

If fasting is giving up something for a period of time, what should you give up? Food is the obvious first answer. It’s not the only answer. The object of your fast is to deepen your relationship with God. As I noted Monday, fasting is about gaining margin in your life so God can step in and write a note on your heart. What are the things that vie for your time and attention? These are the things that shrink your margin and make it difficult to let God in.

Consider limiting the amount of noise you allow for a period of time. Is the television constantly on in your home? Are you an MP3 fanatic who is never without music? These are things that distract your attention. A recent article challenged the notion that people today are better able to multi-task. It said that there really is no such thing. The brain can only focus on one thing at a time. Fast from TV, radio, or MP3.

Amusements are another potential fast. Some might call them time wasters, but I reject that notion. If you are one who enjoys video games, digital social networking, or even old fashioned reading, you may want to fast from those amusements for a period of time.

Other fasts might include getting away to a wilderness campsite or hotel room to be alone. You may want to fast a particular food for a period of time. Some couples decide to withhold intimacy from each other for a time and agree to pray together during that time instead. What is the one thing that dominates your time and attention that you could consider fasting?

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Dave is the Lead Pastor at...
New McKendree United Methodist Church
225 S. High St., Jackson, MO 63755
Saturday Worship 5:00 pm, Sunday 9:00 am at High St. Campus 11:00 am at South Campus (1775 S. Hope St.)