I must be part Nomad. I've never stayed anywhere or done anything for any length of time. I'm the poster child for ADD in my everyday life and in the whole of my life. In the 25 years since I graduated college I've been a CAE executive and a district executive for the Boy Scouts. I've held the positions of quarry salesman, concrete salesman, and sales manager at LaFarge St. Louis. I sold doors, frames and hardware (1 job) at Henges Associates. I've pastored at 4 churches; Salem in Ladue, The Oak, Macon UMC and now Good Shepherd UMC. In my lifetime I've lived in 10 houses, 4 apartments, 2 dorm rooms, and a fraternity house. I have played the guitar, harmonica and clarinet (with no success.) I've collected rocks and stamps. I've been addicted to countless TV shows (yes, I watched General Hospital during my college years.) I've been to 5 foreign countries.
There really is only one things I've maintained for 25 years. Nancy and I have been married 25 years today. This is my greatest accomplishment and a testimony to her ability to withstand my nomadic ways. Thanks for 25 great years and I look forward to 25 more.

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